High Quality Veneers
Straight white teeth
A Porcelain Veneer is the ideal solution to cosmetically enhance a smile while still maintaining healthy tooth structure. Veneers are wafer thin, tooth coloured porcelain shells that are custom made to perfectly bond to the front surface of your teeth. Veneers can best be described as being like false fingernails for your smile.
They are a fantastic option for amending the length, size, shape or colour of your teeth. We use veneers which are high quality, light-weight and durable, along with the latest smile design techniques to give you a beautiful smile.
Some of the benefits of Porcelain Veneers
- Close gaps between teeth
- Enhance tooth shape
- Improve tooth colour
- Amend the length or size of teeth
- Realign crooked teeth
Placement Of Veneers
Veneers are a permanent dental solution. Once placed, the veneers are very strong and will resist most of the forces placed upon them by a normal diet.
Do you want to transform your smile?
Please don’t hesitate to Contact us today to ask questions or book an appointment.
Important FAQs regarding Veneers
No, veneers are minimally invasive facings for your teeth. They are used to improve the aesthetics of your smile.
If you have veneers, try and limit biting into hard and crunchy foods, although veneers are very strong, you are able to chip them. Ensure you cut up harder and crunchier foods before eating.
Make sure you brush and floss your veneers. It is important to have them professionally cleaned twice a year.